Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's the Final Countdown..

I really love the title to this post and you would too if you watch the greatest show of all time, Arrested Development. I'd like to give a shout out to my favorite character Gob Bluth (not Job, thanks Bryce) at this time. I'd also like to give a shout out to the month of July for going by so fast! Something I'm pretty happy about. I realized something awesome yesterday while Stu and I (and Megan and Tyler) were in Temple Prep. I go through the temple one month from Sunday!! Which means we get married a month from today! Which means we will be in Cancun a month from tomorrow. Not sure which of those I'm more excited about haha, for Stu I'm pretty sure it's Cancun. Today I put on my white pants and thought "only one more month of worrying about underwear lines. This is the best." Obviously not the only benefit of getting endowed but one I've thought about probably more than I should. So, in honor of the last 30 days of being unmarried and in the hopes that they pass quickly here is a list of 10 reasons I'm excited to marry this fiance of mine. 

10. Because I've been pinning adorable decorating ideas for the past 5 months and want to see our little home finally come together! We (I) picked our bedroom colors and bedspread out the other day and I was about to die of joy. It was so fun. Registering was a blast as well and it was surreal to look at the different household items you never even realize you need, even though I've been living away from home for over 2 years. Stu and my mom have been making fun of me because I registered for an extension cord. One of these days when he needs to plug something in and he's not near an outlet we'll see who's laughing!

9. I'm stoked to change my last name. I love being a Barlow and I think I have a pretty great cursive "B" but I will gladly kiss it goodbye here in a few weeks. I always said I wanted to marry someone whose last name was at the beginning of the alphabet because in elementary school I got this kind of strange pride out of always being called first on the roll and I wanted that for my kids! So thoughtful. Despite the demise of this childhood dream, I'm still very excited to become a Reynolds.

8. I'll leave this one blank since I think my grandparents read this sometimes. But, you know...

7.  I love Stu's family. I haven't met a single person in his family that I haven't instantly loved. I think it's funny how often I get asked "So what do you think of his family?" People often ask that question expecting a negative response. I feel so lucky that I'm getting such an amazing family! We were saying the other day how our kids are going to have 2 sets of AWESOME grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We both lucked out in the in-law department. :)

6. We made a goal to go to the temple at least twice a month for our first year of being married. The temple has been on my mind of lot since I'm going through in a month so this is one of the things I'm most intrigued and excited about for sure.

5. This one won't happen for a while, but... babies! I want a baby so baddddd. Stu and I have gone through almost every online baby name site and have only agreed on 2 names. And we can't remember one of them. So our kids may not have names. Another bonus to marrying into the Reynolds' family: Adorable freckly babies. If our kids don't have the Reynolds' freckles I might have to tell the doctor to put them back.

4. I've heard it's easier to get good grades and focus on school work when you're not dating or engaged. We're both really hoping that this rumor is true...

3. I will have successfully avoided any chance of teen pregnancy. Let's go!

(Thanks dad for taking this picture, and thanks to my mom for her hilarious reaction upon seeing it).

2. While dating and being engaged Stu has been pretty tolerant of the state I tend to leave my car in. (Messy, very messy). I have a feeling this tolerance is going to come to an abrupt end as soon as we seal the deal. I welcome the extra organizational help.

1. I think there's only a certain amount of progression a pair can go through while dating or even engaged. I can't wait to be married because it comes with so much potential to grow. My best friend Chelsea and I always used to say "we know each other so well and have so much fun together. What if we never find a boy who we love as much as we love each other?!" Our moms found this a little creepy...it was a legitimate concern for best friends of 14 years. I'm happy to say that I had no need to worry about it. :)


  1. Jessica-You and your blog are adorable! I promise I smiled the whole time reading this :) I'm so excited for you and Stu-marriage, although not perfect, is SO much fun! And it is amazing to be married to your best friend (I should know!) Ha. Enjoy these last 30 single days cute girl! Luv Ya!

  2. Not worrying about underwear lines is awesome! Now, the only worry is having to make sure shorts and skirts are long enough. We are so happy for you. We wish we could be there (Clay starts school the day before). So excited you are getting married and can't wait to meet Stu...eventually! haha
